

The roasters we use!

We source our coffee from all over the place, because we like a good variety. Our main provider is Wonderstate Coffee out of Viroqua Wisconsin. Check them out! Maybe you will think they are as cool as we do.

Another frequenter of our coffee suppliers is Crema in Nashville, Tennessee. The “littler Burris” spent just over two years working for their cafe and we fell in love with them just as she did. Check our their website here. And if you ever drop by Nashville, go get a cup from them!

The basics: what is coffee?

Have you ever wanted to get your toes wet in the world of coffee? Well we understand. Coffee is a complex but beautiful industry to be a part of, and education has always been at the center of it. Below are some of our favorite resources for learning more about everyone’s favorite caffeinated bean.

What is Specialty Coffee?

Types and Varietals

Types and Varietals #2

Crema’s Coffee for Everyone Series

Home Brews.

We love seeing you everyday, but we also understand the great parts of a cup of coffee at home. Below are our favorite resources for home brew methods. Any questions? Shoot us an email at and we will answer the best we can!

French Press




Kalita Wave

Drip Coffee

Iced Chemex


Latte Art


Our Menu


Building Rental